You have a nice looking website, you post on your blog, and upload photos to your social media. You covered the important keywords and spent time perfecting your page’s content to feature your services the best way possible.

You even ran pay-per-click campaigns and saw a traffic boost. But at the end of the day – even though the traffic is there – you are just not getting that many leads and your visitors seem to be bouncing right off of your website.

What am I missing? You may be asking…

1. Don’t Interrupt – Attract

You best shot at success is to have a proven and predictable system in place to get your more clients. Without it you will be shooting in the dark trying all kinds of marketing tactics and getting mixed results.

What we have seen make an enormous difference for many companies is the inbound marketing methodology.

The old school of marketing that wants to interrupt a wide net of people with pushy sales messages has become highly ineffective.

The reason why the inbound marketing works is because it focuses on delivering an attractive message to the right audience. Another major benefit is how it makes the process so clear from your business’ perspective.

  • Attract Strangers – This is the first step on the process and it involves creating and offering exactly what will attract casual searchers – rich and useful information. Blog posts are a great way to do that.
  • Convert Visitors – Once you attract the right audience to your website should have a clear system in place to covert casual visits into leads. That is where Content Offers, CTAs and Landing Pages come into play.
  • Close Leads – By continuing the conversation and relationship you nurture your leads to the point where they are ready to close and become your customers. Some of this can be done by Email Marketing
  • Delight Customers – At this step, as you offer outstanding service to your clients, you will create opportunities for them to bring referrals, be objects of case studies, and be cheerful Promoters of your business

2. Use buyer personas

If you were to have a conversation about US political history with your spouse, a complete stranger or a citizen of another country it probably wouldn’t sound quite the same. That’s because we naturally bring the conversation to the appropriate level of familiarity with the listener or their own context.

One of the purposes of buyer personas is to help you deliver a message in a way the best communicates with that particular segment of your audience. The more personalized the message the more impact it will have.

Buyer personas will help you understand your desired audience and what attracts and communicates best with them.

3. Consider the buyer’s journey

The buyer’s journey is the active process people go through leading up to making a purchase. It’s made of 3 stages.

Not every visitor to your site will be ready to immediately become a customer. If fact it’s likely that the opposite will be true. Keeping that in mind, will help you create content with better context.

  • Awareness Stage – At this stage visitors are researching a problem or opportunity. Visitors at this point have just begun their research and probably have very little knowledge about the problem they are trying to solve, your industry and services.
  • Consideration Stage – Visitors at this stage have a little bit more knowledge and understanding of their problem and are considering options or solutions to solve a problem or take on an opportunity.
  • Decision Stage – Visitors here have done research about your industry, they are probably familiar with the lingo as well as your competitors. They might be looking for information to help them make a decision between you and another company.


If your online marketing methodology is not giving you returns, doing more of it is probably not the answer. Inbound marketing has helped hundreds of companies in the US and around the world achieve a whole new level of growth in traffic and lead generation and sales. If you are a digital marketer serious about getting results, this is an option that you must consider.